Wednesday 24 March 2010

Friday 19 March 2010

Thursday 4 March 2010

Monday 8 February 2010


Scene 1 - Set - Atrium -Ext-Day
As this scene is the opening scene of the sequence it give little introduction but to have a quiet and sudden start.
Establishing shot of the Atrium
(Susan Bullet will enter the Atrium)
Mid Shot Of Susan
Susan Shows feeling of worry and dismay of the surroundings
Scene 2 - Set: Atrium - Ext - Day
This scene will be used to introduce the victim facial feature and star the feeling of the film.
Tracking shot of woman
(Woman is running down corridors)
Some closes up of facial expression of shock and fear
(Woman will keep looking back to find nothing)
eye line match
Scene 3- Set: College - Ext - Day
This scene will be used to start the tension and bring the horror a life and introduction to the minster of the film.
(Woman goes to hide in a doorway.)
There will be an eye line match of her looking down the corridor
(this is a dark figure emerges. The man is wearing a long dark coat and a hat (a long shot will be used)).
(He stops for a moment and starts walking towards her, down the corridor).
(Camera will go back to a close up of the woman sobbing, looking up (as if to say “why me”)).
(She will look again and the man will be gone)
Scene 4 - Corridor College - Ext - Day
This scene will be the big chase sequence which all backing sound and camera movement will echo this sentiment.
(She will breathe a sign of relief. Then a gloved hand with be put over her mouth)
(her eyes will widen.)
Scene 5 - Studio College - Ext - Day
(Another woman will wake up from a dream looking panicked.)
(She will look around her bedroom to find nothing.)
(Then she will lye back on her bed in a daze)
a medium shot will be used for this entire scene
Scene 6 - Studio College - Ext - Day
This scene is the climax of the opening scene this will have eerie soundtrack and incidental music.
(Susan Will enter Kitchen alone)
Medium shot of the door entering
(Susan will grasp a hot cup of Coffee)
(A Creaking Door)
(Susan Will Drop Cup)

Thursday 4 February 2010

Shooting Schedule











College - it is readily available

Lucy Morgan – Susan





College - First Floor To be used as balcony

Adam Spence - Jabber
Lucy Morgan – Susan





Corridor College – This will be used for the chase

Lucy Morgan – Susan
Adam Spence – Jabba





Studio – This is the wake up scene / end of dream sequence.

Lucy Morgan – Susan





Studio- Kitchen scene and the dropping of the cup scene

Lucy Morgan – Susan
Adam Spence - Jabba

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Film Listing

Actor List;
Lucy Morgan

Location List ;
Corridor (in college)
Studio (in college)

Costumes And Props List;
Cup or Mug
Trench Coat and Trilby (Villain)Actor List;
Lucy Morgan

Location List ;
Corridor (in college)
Studio (in college)

Costumes And Props List;
Cup or Mug
Trench Coat and Trilby (Villain)

Monday 1 February 2010

History of Horror

With the subject of horror, the concept is such a popular genre that it has spawned many different sub genres. From the slash and gore or Saw to the psychological thriller of The Shinning

In The Beginning

The horror genre is one of the original genres to hit the scream since the 1890s were the first depiction of supernatural beings appeared with the most noticeable being the in 1896 Le Manoir du diable (The House Of The Devil) which in popular circle has been credited with being first horror film.

Horror's first monster appears in the early turn of the 20th century in the full length horror Quasimodo. With the earliest horror film making of german decent, Horror as a genre featured heavily even in the early appearance of the Hollywood films which included the Hunchback Of Notre Dame and even more notably Phantom Of The Opera.

Horror Place As A Genre

Horrors in context to the film world has left with the ever increasing popularity of the genre, meaning horror is now a stand alone genre. This is brought to life by key directors like Steven Spielburg's Jaws, John Carpenters Halloween and Ridely Scotts Alien. All of these film critically acclaimed
However film such as The New York Ripper and Tenebre where faced with heavy controversy in the UK with very hostile content and the easy retail of films at the time the worry of a younger generation forming a copycat approach to the new films so coining the phrase "video nasties".


With a huge range of sub genres horror has a ever changing and varying target audience to the out and out gore fests in hostile and Scream to the mind tingling adventure of Saw and Final Destination.
However Horror generally has a core audience which overall love a good scare. The horror audience is not always the same group of the people as people may prefer the slasher or the survival sub genres. The general audience for the horror genre is male and average age of 24.
This highlights the reasoning for the popularity and box office success of the slash sub genre.

For example all of the Scream franchise all in the top 5.

1 Scream
$103,046,663 1,994 $6,354,586 1,413 12/20/96
2 Scream 2
$101,363,301 2,688 $32,926,342 2,663 12/12/97
3 Scream 3
$89,143,175 3,467 $34,713,342 3,467 2/4/00
4 Freddy Vs. Jason
$82,622,655 3,014 $36,428,066 3,014 8/15/03
5 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
$80,571,655 3,018 $28,094,014 3,016 10/17/03
6 I Know What You Did Last Summer
$72,586,134 2,524 $15,818,645 2,524 10/17/97
7 Friday the 13th (2009)
$65,002,019 3,105 $40,570,365 3,105 2/13/09
8 Halloween (2007)
$58,272,029 3,475 $26,362,367 3,472 8/31/07
9 Halloween: H20
$55,041,738 2,669 $16,187,724 2,607 8/7/98
10 My Bloody Valentine 3-D
$51,545,952 2,534 $21,241,456 2,534 1/16/09

Generally all of the horror films in which we are looking at 15-18 age range and mainly male

Overall, Horror as a genre is still thriving even from its humble beginnings of just big bad monster and slash and grab movies and moved to more in the mind horrors with the genre challenging blair witch project.

Horror Target Audience

In a recent survey, 61% of males watched horror films frequently, whilst 39% of females watched horror films frequently. Whether they were fans of this genre of film remains to be unknown. 24% of these were aged 14-17, 48% of those who watched horror films frequently were aged 18-24, 19% of those who watch horror films were aged 25-34, 6% oft those who are a fan of horror films are aged 35-49 and 3% of those who are horror fans are aged 50 and over. Films, which are certified as an 18, may include many scenes of sex scenes and scenes of violence, horror and murder. Films, which are certified as a 15, may contain sexual references and mild scenes of violence. Films, which are certified as a 12A, may contain strong language and mild sexual references.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Friday 22 January 2010

Opening sequence of Scream (1996)

During the opening sequence we see the title 'Scream' this appears in the centre of the screen and turns blood red when the non-diegetic asynchronous sound appears, this is of a woman screaming frantically. The background is black which makes the red writing stand out there is suddenly a transition which takes us to the next scene were we then see a close up of a telephone. The screaming then fades out and we hear the telephone ringing.

We are then introduced to what we assume is the main character; we are introduced to her through a medium close up. We see that she is in a very nice, bright house. When she answer's the phone we hear a man on the other end. His voice is very mysterious and husky. As soon as she puts the phone down thinking that he had the wrong number the phone rings straight back, the camera then zooms in on her face, which indicates that there is something wrong.

When she puts the phone down for the second time and the audience realizes that he is up to something the camera then cuts to outside the house, we see the house through a long, establishing shot. This automatically makes the audience think that he is somewhere around or near the house. When she is making popcorn the phone then suddenly rings again, they speak for a while this time about various subjects he then asks her what her name is, she asks why and he replies ' because i want to know who i am looking at’.

The camera zooms onto her face to show her facial expression, she looks very scared and confused. He then denies that he said it and claims he told her he wanted to know who he's talking to. She then hangs up the phone when he told her not too, he then becomes nasty and starts shouting at her, he then starts threatening her, Drew Barrymore's character then starts running frantically through the house locking all of the doors. The non-diegetic music is very fast paced and urgent, this creates tension in the scene. When on the phone Drew Barrymore’s character tells the man her boyfriend is going to be annoyed with him, the camera focuses only on her face and slowly zooms in when she realizes that her boyfriend is in the garden, the camera zooms in to capture her facial expression. When he tells her to turn on the patio lights the non diegetic then becomes very prominent when she realizes her fate is going to be the same as hers.


For this project i am working with Lucy Morgan, Scott Richardson and Adam Spence. we are all working as a team to create an opening sequence of our own horror , all of these ideas are still in progress as we have not yet decided on a location, actors and we are all still working on writing the script. When writing this we will take into consideration the conventions of a horror film and incorporate these into our own sequence. When we are finished we will then all contribute equally to the making of the sequence.